After leading the Medicine Valley Raider football team for 17 years, Scott Johnsen is stepping down as head coach. "The biggest factor was family. "My son Brendan, is the head coach at Alma and I don't get a chance to watch/support him very often. This will give me a chance to attend his games more and just be a dad," said Johnsen. Johnsen also said he has been thinking about making this change for about a year or so.
Johnsen is hoping to relax a little more and also work on his golf game with a little more free time. "Just relaxing without the stress of game planning each week and constantly watching film. May spend a little more time on the golf course also."
He also highlighted what coaching football has meant to him. "The opportunity to connect and help develop skills on and off the field for a lot of young men over the last 33 years. The chance to meet and connect with other excellent coaches across the state has been very beneficial."
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